Read MoreAt what point do we depart from the feeling of being held within the universal soup of all that is, and fall under the spell of separateness? Is this when our sense of inherent trust fades and the fear of darkness begins?
Somehow the concept of wealth has been reduced to having loads of money and that money is seen as fundamental to accessing a fulfilling life. There is no denying that having money is absolutely necessary to live in this society, contributes to a feeling of security, and provides very important access and opportunities. And of course there is nothing inherently wrong with pursuing, desiring, and having goals around accumulating material wealth. However, it is imperative that we recognize that there is something deluded in our cultures definition and relationship with what wealth truly is.
Read MoreThere is a insidious lie in embedded within our western culture’s values that contributes to wiring our brains in such a way that in our normal/stable state we often miss the beauty, privilege and sacredness available in our human experience. The consequence of this misunderstanding is unnecessary suffering.
Read MoreWhen we are mired in the strong grip of attachment we are afraid; afraid of losing what we have, afraid of something happening the way we don’t want it to, afraid of different opinions, and afraid of losing status (this is the short list of fears obviously). All of these fears compound to create an underlying anxiousness that makes it difficult to enjoy or appreciate what we have now.
Read MoreCarrera poses that another way to cultivate non-attachment is through “The careful observation of the limitations of sense satisfaction; it is the cultivation of realistic, healthy relationships with objects and attainments based on understanding what the world can and cannot offer.”
Read MoreTurning the practice of non attachment into a way to bypass our discomfort can be a dangerous pitfall. Instead of truly being nonattached we end up repressing our desires and difficult emotions instead of honoring them and learning from them.
Read MoreAbout 12 years ago at the end of a yoga class my teacher Lakshmi Norwood casually mentioned that anger, sadness, and pain are not “bad” and they had value. My brow scrunched up in confusion and inside I felt a strong disagreement. “But wait” I wanted to say “I thought the whole goal of life was to be happy and aren’t all of those things signs that you are not happy?!” Instead I kept quiet and wondered what she could possibly mean by saying such a thing.
Read MoreThoughts are the threads that weave the fabric of our minds. Palladium, Gold, Silver & Platinum are all available to spin.
Read MoreLast Saturday I had a friend show up uninvited to my home. She waltzed into my chest, threw her suitcase on the couch and screamed “ EVERYTHING IS GOING TO SHIT!!!”. Then she began to manically laugh and unpack. By unpack, I mean she threw her clothes all over the place. She found her highest heels with spiked edges, turned on some blaring nonsense and began to dance around my lungs, and heart.
Read MoreWhile social media can provide hours of entertainment it has also created some very personal challenges for me. Often I would find myself in a place of comparison that lead to feelings of envy, jealousy, and insecurity. I used to feel embarrassed and ashamed that Facebook and Instagram could impact me so personally and powerfully. Now however, I see that I had a lot to learn (and still do) from these feelings and though they have been incredibly uncomfortable they have contributed to my growth.
Read MoreFinally I began to admit to myself that I could never fully understand what was happening but I had magic in my hands. I could feel it when I touched my sons feverish neck, when I pressed a students shoulders softly to the earth in a resting posture. When I touched my Mother in Law’s hair the night before her surgery. That wasn’t the extent of my powers either, my voice was bewitching. I could create harmony and calm or conjure a storm of fury based on the words and tone I chose to use. ….Being a Witch is not a thing that happens in a rational mind, instead it is a state of being.
Read MoreIt’s hot and I can’t feel the light breeze that plays with his long thin hair and braided beard as I announce that my wallet has gone missing. No matter how many zippers I unzip I cannot find my minimal turquoise card holder. A chattering enters my entire body ending in my legs. I can feel them shaking beneath me as this new reality hits. What I had feared had come true. My Green Card, credit cards, punch card only one punch away from $10 off my next pedicure and my license are gone. I cannot fathom how it happened. I had not left the tiny square I was standing in. Did a clever hand reach in and take it while I was distracted? Did it tumble out and fall to the ground? “ My Green Card was in there” I say several times. I am supposed to board a plane that night to Italy, and then home to California.
Read MoreWhy is it that when space presents itself in our lives there is this strong urge to fill it? And I mean STRONG urge. We cram our brains, our stomachs, our homes, and our schedules so full that there is little to no space in our lives for digestion and assimilation.
Read MoreOften we are pulled into the past or into the imagined future. Here is a simple 5 step process to bring you into NOW.
Read MoreImagine the scenario where a genie popped out of nowhere and told you she would grant you unlimited wishes for the rest of your life. What would you wish for?
Read MoreI remember years ago reading something that said that each object you own has a tiny spider web thread that is energetically connected to you. The more stuff you have, the more of an energetic drain it is on you. I think many of us sense this and this is why we go through stages where we want to clean our entire lives! So how is it that even though we want to be free and live “uncluttered” lives, we remain in the hamster wheel of accumulation?
Read MoreWhat would you say if I told you that you could create the life of your dreams? That you are full of unlimited potential that is just waiting to be tapped. A recent experience in a Manifestation workshop with Jenni Wendell from Just Be Yoga blew my mind...and I wanted to share my revelations with you...
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