While social media can provide hours of entertainment it has also created some very personal challenges for me. Often I would find myself in a place of comparison that lead to feelings of envy, jealousy, and insecurity. I used to feel embarrassed and ashamed that Facebook and Instagram could impact me so personally and powerfully. Now however, I see that I had a lot to learn (and still do) from these feelings and though they have been incredibly uncomfortable they have contributed to my growth.
Read MoreWhy is it that when space presents itself in our lives there is this strong urge to fill it? And I mean STRONG urge. We cram our brains, our stomachs, our homes, and our schedules so full that there is little to no space in our lives for digestion and assimilation.
Read MoreI remember years ago reading something that said that each object you own has a tiny spider web thread that is energetically connected to you. The more stuff you have, the more of an energetic drain it is on you. I think many of us sense this and this is why we go through stages where we want to clean our entire lives! So how is it that even though we want to be free and live “uncluttered” lives, we remain in the hamster wheel of accumulation?
Read MoreTell me if this sounds familiar - you're trucking along in life, things aren't “great” but they're not terrible either. Yet somehow, you begin to feel the inklings of doubt moving into your consciousness. Am I living the life that I want? Am I in the right career? Am I in the right relationship? Do I need to travel more? Should I move? What is my PURPOSE on this earth?!
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