Posts tagged soul work
Spilling My Guts About Social Media - Part One

While social media can provide hours of entertainment it has also created some very personal challenges for me. Often I would find myself in a place of comparison that lead to feelings of envy, jealousy, and insecurity. I used to feel embarrassed and ashamed that Facebook  and Instagram could impact me so personally and powerfully. Now however, I see that I had a lot to learn (and still do) from these feelings and though they have been incredibly uncomfortable they have contributed to my growth. 

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"Don't Just Do Something. Stand There."

Why is it that when space presents itself in our lives there is this strong urge to fill it? And I mean STRONG urge. We cram our brains, our stomachs, our homes, and our schedules so full that there is little to no space in our lives for digestion and assimilation.

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